There is one major fear I have not taken care of yet, related to diabetes, and it is time to deal with it. My remaining fear is really excercising, like running daily. Some may say that is crazy, but I miss the feeling of being free to run down a hill, through a field and back up next to some train tracks. I want to feel on top of the world again and like there are no strings holding me back. The only way I know to do that is to find a way to run.
I looked around for some guidance, but couldn't seem to find what I was looking for so I turned to my favorite source for real life diabetes truth, Kerri at SixUntilMe. She has the best diabetes blog and since we are close in age and stage of life I feel like she can really offer some good advice. Within minutes of emailing her with my question she responded that she had a friend who should be able to help and that friend emailed me that same afternoon with lots of information. I can't thank Kerri and Alexis enough for really being there when I need them, and they don't even know me other than emails I have sent to Kerri before.
Anyway, Alexis recommended the Gu Energy Gels so I found some at Academy Sports along with some non-cotton socks and a few other things and told myself that tonight I would take the first steps. We normally walk as a family, but tonight I took one of the dogs and we walked with the family for some and jogged ahead a few times. It was only 30 minutes, but we covered almost 3 miles and it felt really good. The best part was, thanks to Alexis' recommendations I felt comfortable experimenting with my insulin and food. I ate one of the gels before we started and disconnected my pump. When we got back to the car I was only 5 points below where I started. Who knows what will happen tonight or tomorrow, but for now I am happy. Let's see where this goes.